Welcome to my fundraising page

Player Photo

Robert O Brown, PGA, Gulf States Section PGA

Raised so far

$ 2,050.00

Fundraising goal $ 5,000.00

Raised in 2012 : $ 2,050.00
Raised in 2013 : $ 550.00
Raised in 2014 : $ 300.00

Robert O Brown, PGA, Gulf States Section PGA

Dear Friends,

I have committed to play 100 holes of golf on Monday, October 29th (originally scheduled for Tuesday, September 4th) at Audubon Golf Club. I hope you will find this effort worthy of your support as we raise money for the Bayou District Foundation, the Gulf States PGA, and all they represent as partners.

We are raising money to help fund construction of the Gulf States Golf Museum and PGA Section Office at the future City Park Golf Clubhouse. We raised $28,000 last year and are looking forward to even greater success in 2012. Your contribution of $1, $2, $5 or any amount per hole would be greatly appreciated.

Our partnership with the Bayou District Foundation will also support and enhance efforts to implement an innovative community redevelopment model focused on education that enables children and families to escape the cycle of poverty, build a thriving community, and live productive, healthy and fulfilling lives. Visit http://bayoudistrictfoundation.org/ to learn more.

Donating through my page on the PGA Golf Day website (click the Donate button) is simple and totally secure. You will immediately receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation via email.

Many thanks for your support...and I ask that you forward this to anyone you think might also want to support our efforts!



Recent Sponsors

Steve Sawyer/Cox 10/31/2012 $ 1,000.00
Bruce & Colette Cisco 10/26/2012 $ 50.00 Have fun playing golf while supporting a great cause!
Ann Le Blanc 8/29/2012 $ 100.00 Good Luck Robert!! I'm betting you can do it! Hope the rain stops by then.
Paul and Heidi Levy 8/29/2012 $ 50.00
Jimmy Holmes 8/29/2012 $ 100.00 Robert O--will this donation get me discount on our return trip to St. Andrews?????
John H 8/29/2012 $ 150.00 Good luck RB, this sounds like and endurance event.
Robert Brown 8/29/2012 $ 100.00
Herb Schilling 8/27/2012 $ 500.00