PGA Golf Professionals
do much more than play golf!
PGA Golf Day was established by PGA Professionals in the Southwest Section with a goal to raise money for selected local charities and to highlight the value of the PGA Professional in local communities. Today, this program and this website serve to facilitate the efforts of PGA Sections across the country in raising much-needed funds for their local philanthropies and foundations.
The concept of the website itself is to automate the fundraising process and to expand the collective reach of a Section's fundraising efforts. By engaging as many participants as possible, fundraising results are growing exponentially with unlimited scalability. Most Sections conduct a 100 hole golf marathon, although this is not mandatory for participation. Players register themselves online and formulate their own personal web pages, then send emails or do what they can to direct supporters to their pages and make contributions. Donation receipts and custom Thank You letters are sent to supporters automatically.
The Southwest and Northern California PGA Sections have now eclipsed the 5-figure fundraising mark early on in their respective 2018 PGA Golf Day campaigns. Southwest contributes the majority of their Foundation dollars to local golf scholarship programs and the Special Olympics of Arizona. Meanwhile, Northern California channels funds to PGA HOPE Northern California and PGA Apprentice Scholarship Fund.
Individually, four of the top five fundraisers nationwide come from the Southwest Section. Doug Westcott leads the pack with nearly $9,000 raised, followed by Tim Burr in the Northern California Section with just about $8,000 in hand. PGA Golf Day co-founder and 2011 Special Olympics Conrad Rehling award winner Greg Leicht is at their heels with about $5,500 generated. Andrew Rauscher and Brett Meiners round out the top five with $3,500 and $2,700 respectively.
We expect great things as the Gateway Section and Mid-Atlantic Section get their programs under way. Also, newcomers to the PGA Golf Day family are the Philadelphia and South Central Sections who are hoping to do great things for the game and charity in their local communities.